Saturday 5 January 2013

B is for Bargain.

We all love a bargain let's face it, but when it's a really really GOOD BARGAIN, it's even better. Stumbling across this shirt in Manchester's Northern Quarter, I was unbelievably excited to find that the price tag was only £15. 

Yes, that's not my poor typing, it actually was only fifteen pounds. Not only did this buy not give me one ounce of guilt (I really should be saving for driving lessons, and it is January and like everyone else I'm uber skint.) but it goes with almost everything I own. 

If you have the time and patience, I'd definitely recommend shopping around, especially in quirky, individual or vintage shops. It gives you a much more unique feel to an outfit, and means you don't blend in with the high street army. It can be a lot cheaper and most of the time far better quality! Not going to go into a rant about over priced high street tat - don't worry. 

As you can probably tell I'm too excited to wear this!
Tucked into a leather pleated skirt, tights and my new KG Chelsea boots, I reckon it'll do just nicely.I shall let you know how I get on throwing together outfits with my new shirt, and what other bargains I manage to stumble across. (When I'm supposed to be saving). 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the whole vintage thing, but I do think they do a shop like this in Primark now. I'm not very good with vintage shopping, I have no patience

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)


